
Monday, January 23

Good Morning Sunshine!

Wanna know what that sneaky blogger has been up to this weekend?
He has been protecting 130 out of my 280 posts and will not relinquish them to Wordpress. Now, Blogger, I do so appreciate the lengths you are going to to protect my little posts from getting into the wrong hands, but please, just say goodbye...let Wordpress pry the posts out of your strong will be o.k...promise.

Now that I have said my peace let's get on to some Monday morning sunshine to start our week's off on the right foot!


My kids could eat granola bars for every meal. This recipe from
for homemade raisin granola bars is just what I need!

These cutsey drawers turned shelves from
are so stinkin cute!

This little dog bed from
was quick and easy...and just look at how happy Roxy is!

I am pretty much in love with everything Kristina at
creates, and this one really blew me away!

I would never have the nerve to do what
accomplished in her AMAZING kitchen redo-but I so so so love it

I wish I had the talent, energy, and time to create these shelves from
A super Restoration Hardware knockoff!

Polymer clay + Christmas lights =
awesome lit flower garland

A handy and cute blog planner with a bunch of free printables from Courtney at
will definitely helping me get organized this year!

When I was pregnant with my first child I became ADDICTED to Oreos. Like I have eaten them almost every day for 5 years now and it is officially a "problem."
shared an Oreo whoopie pie recipe that I can't wait to try!

Ahhh, how I wish I had sheet music left.
made a lovely heart garland
(maybe I can use my old phone books-you know-"I Just called To Say I Love You" inspired)

Well, jeeze, I have like so much work to do with all that inspiration floating around in my head!



  1. have found some amazing ideas and projects! Thanks for sharing and good luck with your switch to wordpress!

  2. Good luck with your switch! Love the features. Thanks for sharing.


  3. ohhh Thank you for featuring my drawersssss what a nice surprise...Im your newest follower

  4. Hey! Thanks so much for featuring my blog planner printables! You got a great collection of awesomeness here!! :D

  5. Hi Kim thanks so much for the support and featuring my wall vases! Hope your having a great week.


I truly devour all of your comments and SO SO SO appreciate every one!