
Thursday, December 1

Earth Day Thursday - Reuse that 8-Track Tape

Raise your hand if you know what this is.

I was born in 1973 and we definitely had an 8-Track player in our living room. When I was about 6, I gave my dad a slow death with this.

I kid you not, Barry Manilow was my first crush and I still remember all the words to just about every song. That jumpsuit slays me.

So, when I found eight 8-Track tapes at my favorite thrift store a few weeks ago, for 89 cents each, I grabbed them all. I had no idea what was going to become of them, but I just knew I HAD to possess them.

This is what I came up with.

How fun! It is a charging station for an I-Phone and I-Pod.

The case popped apart easily and the kids had fun playing with miles and miles of tape I extracted from inside each tape. I used a screwdriver and pencil and just pried that sucker apart. 
 However, I had a devil of a time cutting through that plastic casing. 
 Getting the opening just perfect took 4-EVAH.
I used an X-Acto knife, going over and over and over it.

I wound the cord inside where that tape was wound and popped the end out of the side where the tape would have been exposed-I wasn't going to try to make another hole through that bomb proof plastic. This way the cord pulls out easily to adjust the cord length quickly.

I Mod-Podged the edges of the paper label around the hole I cut. I popped the other end of the cord out and used heavy duty epoxy to be sure it wasn't moving...anywhere.

I made 2 and am currently in the process of another creation with another tape. 3 down and 5 left...any ideas of what I should make with them?

Here are some of my favorite 70's inspirations to get the juices flowin.

I  made some mean mini cakes in one of these

Now that everyone is sufficiently retroed up for the day-have a good one

P.S. I think all this 1970's inspiration fueled my current blog design:)



  1. I LOVED the same 70s things! The only addition I have is Donny Osmond....he was ssssooooo cute! :)

  2. I still use my macrame plant hangers. The other pix are all a blast from the past!! JAN! Where's Marcia Marcia Marcia??? I was born in '67, so I know all the lyrics to Manilow's songs, and a few more, too! Sometimes I think all those song lyrics stuck in my head really clutter my thought process!! :)

  3. OMG - Tony Orlando and Dawn. We watched their variety show religiously! Knock three times on the ceiling if you want meeeee! And I listened to endless Puppy Love with Donny Osmond. Total crush, and he aged well,too. Love those charging stations. So creative!

  4. OMG - Tony Orlando and Dawn. We watched their variety show religiously! Knock three times on the ceiling if you want meeeee! And I listened to endless Puppy Love with Donny Osmond. Total crush, and he aged well,too. Love those charging stations. So creative!

    And OMG the memories that just came flooding back.....ha

  6. Great Idea! I was born in 1970 so I remember ALL those pictures. And I just showed my HS English Students Conjunction Junction yesterday in class..and then Interjections. Loved Loved Loved School House Rock.

    In HS I had a car that still had an 8 track player - one summer Helen Reddy's Greatest Hits got "stuck"..Woman hear me roar still brings a smile to my face.
    Thanks for the great post..made my day.

  7. I was born in '82 but my dad had an 8 track and record player, in a cabinet he custom built for them both. School House Rock rocks.

    Love what you did with the 8-track. Funny how big it looks compared to the ipod.

  8. Far out brussel sprout! What an awesome idea! I remember I made my parents' ears bleed with playing Boney M over and over again on our Betamax video player. They fell to their knees and thanked the Lord when that tape finally broke from over playing. I cried. But then came Village People and all was well with the world! Well, my world anyway :)
    Thanks for linking up to my Saturday Splendour Party!

  9. What an awesome, original idea. So smart! Cheers.

  10. Awesome idea! And by the way, I had that Marie doll when I was little. lol

  11. Love this post! I am so going to follow you! LOL! ~ Barbara

  12. what a great idea I think my nieces would go crazy if they could play with the tape what a fun mom! I'd love it if you'd add this to my link party over at

  13. Oh, yes great inspiration here! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  14. Dear Lord! That GIANT TV! I was born in 71, and I never saw one that big!

    Anyway, your 8 track charging station is fabulous! How super creetive! Maybe even "rad dude"!


  15. What a completely groovy way to use that 8-track! I should ask my parents if they still have theirs (I'm a year older than you!).

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